Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inspirational New Baby Stories Is This Realistic? Or Stupid Scare Tactics?

Is this realistic? or stupid scare tactics? - inspirational new baby stories

Someone gave me one of the books as a source of inspiration for young mothers (Woo Hoo) and when I read, I have today discust more and more.

All the stories of others invovled a woman in childbirth, and not a shower then to move, eat, or at least the next two years (even if every story ends with a variation of "but it was worth it for my Sweet Baby").

Now I know that you will not have much time to do things for me when the baby comes, but it has not just me, or think that any woman who has to wash regularly visits a week with no or change their clothes, most likely a problem, except only "about motherhood? these books are really ... not that they are just shockingly young mothers-to-be?


Nicole D said...

Well, I have not taken a shower in two weeks - but I still have time to enter the computer ... lol, just kidding ...

I think that extremism only "one". I have 5 kids and still a (CFSP), a shower every night with my hair and makeup every morning and have appointments with my husband, a healthy sex life, go with my friends, in time to take children in the pool and lawn, play sports, have a hot meal on the table every night, a clean house at the end of the day, and still have my mind, love my kids, and yes - it's worth. .. is simply not necessary, a vagabond, because you do!

Like I said, I think that extremism to make a point - not really showers not only that babies need a lot of time, Energy and effort and, therefore, often much more of ourselves to them.

Proud Mommy said...

Who will inspire? How awful! I had a very difficult time when my son was born. I wanted to be kept, and I felt that I had barely time to pee, or even a shower, but I can not stop all day!

Do not worry, the first two weeks is not realistic because they are so tired, but you can survive and do what you have to do!

Good luck with your child!

ஐ♥Sabine... said...

OK, if a woman does not wash or change clothes for a week not that normal, at all, even if he just had a baby. Take about 20 minutes from your husband or your friend or mother or friends can come over and shower a little help. There should be no reason for anyone not shower for a week.

Ashley said...

I have a period of three years, one year, in 5 weeks pregnant and the University of instant messaging. I am pleased to say I'm clean and quiet. Some women are crazy. sounds like you have a good head on his shoulders, of course, you can take a shower! All about priorities.

elizabet... said...

Wow, of all people in the books I tried to pregnancy, I have not read everything. :) You won the lottery! I'm with you, if it is too large to be a problem, maybe the real problem is not with the baby, something completely different. Who knows, though. Perhaps you and I are both super stinky and writing a front for the new publication.

elaeblue said...

I agree with you. When the baby sleeps, there is not much time to shower and change clothes. These women were probably depressed and has not been realized yet. Do not pay attention to such things. I must admit, probably already gone, but a normal shower showers and baths of the past is still possible, even if you only do the baby in her chair in the bathroom.

brevejun... said...

The situation is serious. I managed to take a shower every day (though sometimes shorter than I! Lol). My main concern is complaint that I am to eat, or just when I sat down (forgotten after the bottles, the jar food, eat food, etc.), my own food, or cry shit someone or something. I usually just eat something when warmed up several times during the day. It seems that every time I tried, food and catering, what would happen warm. : O)

tasha a said...

Im sure if I agree to shower and dress Their Mothers Then tell them the books and take

avnijo said...

First, I do not think that is realistic, second in the world of land and we call define how our world there are many many many traditions. ABT fear that they care to look, take your meals on time and eat well, take care of the baby is very important and important, and read some funny stuff.

BraxOwl said...

I had two children, and another to come. I've had no problems, and in prayer, not this time.

Some women PPD (postpartum depression). Not all. It seems that women in this book have been serious cases.

There are settings to do that young mothers should. But at least for me it was not so hard. I think that a large portion of what makes her a mother.

I want to find another book.

Queen said...

I never liked the books. I get more information and better inform the people is always real experienced certain things.

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