Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kelty Baby Backpack Baby Wearing Moms I Have A Question?

Baby wearing moms I have a question? - kelty baby backpack

What kind of transportation do you use? I have a Baby Bjorn carrier for my son, but he is almost 20 pounds, almost always too big for him. What type of company is good for heavier babies? I did not do a Kelty backpack and businesses simply to feel better. So I want something easy to use and comfortable for both. Suggestions?


Ellie said...

A good friend of mine who recommended the Ergo extremely tough for me, she said the baby was expensive item you bought, and worth every penny. Then they put the $ 115.00 for one person, and I will tell anyone who will listen that this is the best there is.

I also like Moby, but I'm on with difficulty. and remains after it is lit.

The Fund is a link to the Ergo Carrier Good Luck glance

Irritated Lactivist said...

Oh, it's too hard for this one course! I died in it, if my child only 17 pounds!
BabyHawk now has a mei tai, a Moby D Jellybean bag and strap Munchkin. Everything is easy to keep a child in different positions 35 pounds! In addition, you can really nurse, while her! :) I recommend it to everyone.

Edit: Earth Mama, I understand your points, but agree to Moby DI comparison does not have to. Mine has a panel of silk, which provides an additional support for a child. I had my child in the use it easily, even in very hot (we live in Puerto Rico until 2008, then moved to Guam!). Perhaps the Moby does not support clear enough, but D. Oh, and if it is linked very well right now, has no adjustment. Sophie is about 35 pounds and I'm using 25 weeks pregnant, if you still want to use can be downloaded. :)

RJDm said...

I have a Moby Wrap and it is up to 35 pounds, I think. My son is now 17 pounds, but it's like a feather in this matter lightly and it feels very safe. the tissue can extend to all on his shoulders to go, so the weight is evenly distributed. We use the basement regularly think kangaroos are called, but to put on the back, which is probably better that your baby grows. You can get all kinds of foreign brands, or just your own shirt if you want less expensive.

army wife & mommy said...

Bjorn and I have a baby, and I hate that thing. My back hurts in the first 10 levels. Ugh.

Anyway, I heard the Moby Wrap miracle. I have a go for me never really everywhere I can not be a baby and pregnant again, I prefer that my son in a stroller anyway. But I have actually seen mothers walk years, a boy of 2 years was tied with a Moby Wrap and not uncomfortable. I went with her:)

Krispy said...

I use a sling peanut shell. My son is sitting as if he was sitting on my hip in my arms. This is because if you fall asleep I would put in a sling, or if you need space in front of me, he can swing around behind me for several minutes.
We use only our Kelty backpack for long trips, not comfortable enough for daily use because of the child.

Lenikins & Jakeb's Mama ♥ said...

When my daughter was younger, we have the Moby Wrap. It was wonderful to watch me on YouTube, because there is a video of how it works, etc. It is really very good and not hurt your back at all. :) I'll still use when my child was born. ...

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