Friday, January 29, 2010

Shingles What Happens If Someone Has Shingles And It Goes Untreated For A Long Time?

What happens if someone has shingles and it goes untreated for a long time? - shingles

After my mother and a family friend who is a doctor, I think I have shingles. If left untreated for too long, it is something bad happens?


Opus said...

Herpes zoster usually resolves itself. It causes serious problems in immunocompromised individuals or when they are on the facial nerve. They are rare.

The vaccine may be useful is to prevent, but not very useful in the treatment of an ongoing attack.

Ear Reverent said...

If you are on your own after a while, you'll be happy ... but there is great danger, if not ...
But one of my friends went to get the shots and said he was the best way, the result is faster and more efficient ... medical treatment is strongly recommended ... (in some cases it can lead to blindness, deafness, brain damage and paralysis ... I'll give you an important clue here ...)

grahamoh... said...

To start at the beginning - not the herpes varicella (chikenpox) and herpes zoster (shingles) are the same virus strain.

(For most children who have not had chickenpox by age 1), but usually with chicken pox Morwen, if a little older, they become secondary immune to this virus and it is unlikely that development of "tiles" (H. zoster) later in life.

Children are easily chickenpox in adults who have the virus and not enough immunity, is more "tiles" - the medicine has mask the symptoms (I'm sure that most of the recalled drug use preparation as "calamine lotion) and the body starts against infection through their normal immune response to fight.

If you hire him as an adult (shingles), then it can cause interference of this virus and can be very well off, but again another time.

In response to your specific question, there is no cure - you should give your body well we do with what is the designed to the Ministry of the immune response.


a_man_fr... said...

Why U wudnt want it? It's just a guess, but the link to the BBC, talks about people systoms low immunity CUD chickenpox end, because it is the same type of virus, then maybe I could happen? Dependin and age can be a bad thing .... But the friend is a doc ur fam ... he / she shud know the answer!?

skanktal... said...

There is no cure for herpes zoster.
All he can do is not null and a cream for the skin soft. The cause of shingles is that they be vaccinated against chickenpox.

roberta s said...

There is nothing that we really do recommend, as they heal their course, but I may be a natural product that helps speed impressive, and make yourself feel better in general, that was the only product we see that m has contributed to Shingles, if I had 2 years ago. Enter Its called royal jelly, and the bees from I can promise you that it is a very good feeling about the natural product is more incredible that helps so many evils ... expensive, but looks not bad for a very large pot lasts about 6 months.

marshall said...

If you do not receive immediate treatment, has a 50% chance of permanent nerve damage and pain. With treatment, only 7% is owned chance of nerve damage perminent and pain.See a doctor as soon as possible.

See ...

kbib12 said...

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. If untreated, it will even disappear. There is no "cure" for shingles, and there is no cure for chicken pox. There is no doubt that the shingles are painful, but if a patient comes into the hospital with herpes zoster, treat symptoms and not the tiles themselves.

I am not a doctor, but I am a nurse.

kbib12 said...

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. If untreated, it will even disappear. There is no "cure" for shingles, and there is no cure for chicken pox. There is no doubt that the shingles are painful, but if a patient comes into the hospital with herpes zoster, treat symptoms and not the tiles themselves.

I am not a doctor, but I am a nurse.

kbib12 said...

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. If untreated, it will even disappear. There is no "cure" for shingles, and there is no cure for chicken pox. There is no doubt that the shingles are painful, but if a patient comes into the hospital with herpes zoster, treat symptoms and not the tiles themselves.

I am not a doctor, but I am a nurse.

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